On Tuesday, July 18, 2017, the South Miami City Commission approved a measure that mandates new homes to include solar panels. The measure passed in a 4-1 vote.

This new law requires owners of new homes to install solar panels. This includes single-family homes, townhomes, and multi-story residential buildings. This new law is also applicable to homeowners who expand their residence by 75 percent or greater. The requirement takes effect in September of this year.

South Miami is the fourth U.S. city requiring new homes to have solar systems installed. According to the Mayor of South Miami, Philip Stoddard, adding solar is something we can do today to give children and grandchildren a better future.

As a solar installation company located in Wilmington, we work with 100’s of new construction builders throughout Southeastern North Carolina and bordering cities in South Carolina. We have been installing solar panels for a decade and on average we install at least two systems a week. Many of our customers install solar systems to set a good example and create a better future for their children.

Solar is becoming increasingly more affordable, especially with the rise of energy costs. Solar helps the environment and your wallet. The only regret our customers have ever communicated with us is that they wished they had even more solar panels installed.

If every home had solar, we could all look forward to a better future.

News reporting source: Miami Herald

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