Please note that the Progress Energy SunSense® Solar PV Program is filling up. The utility has recently published on their website the following information: “The program will effectively close upon reaching full program subscription (1MW-AC).”

As of December 5th, 2012, 863 kW AC has been accepted into the program and  the remaining capacity of the program is 137 kW AC.

Therefore, if you are considering installing solar on your home, do not wait much longer and book your job today. Once the Progress Energy SunSense® Solar PV Application is submitted and accepted, the solar installer has 90 days to install and commission the system. This should give you some extra time, if you want to secure your rebate today, but wish to wait for the installation.

The Progress Energy SunSense® Solar PV is a fantastic rebate significantly lowering the cost of a solar PV system. Do not miss out on this opportunity! For more information about the rebate, please go to Progress Energy’s website.

Please do not hesitate to call us at 910-409-5533, if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued interest in solar energy!