Dear Solar Enthusiasts,

Every day you delay the purchase of solar panels for your home or business, you’re closer to losing the chance to get the best rebates and tax credits the solar industry has offered in history. Many of our 2014 customers who waited with the purchase until the end of the year were disappointed when the Duke Energy Progress (DEP) PV SunSense solar incentives filled up in September and the program closed for the year.

In January 2015, the DEP SunSense program re-opened with a rebate of $250.00 per kilowatt (kW) installed (yes, the rebate is lowered from the original $1,000 to $500, now to $250 per kW) and this is also the year when the 35% State and 30% Federal tax credits are set to expire.

The lesson?

Do not delay with putting panels on your roof, and whether you want us or another company to install them, make the call today!

We will continue to monitor the Duke Energy Progress website for further updates, but we do expect that their incentive program for 2015 will fill up quickly, certainly before September 2015.

So, if you are thinking about when to buy solar, there won’t be a better time than today.

Call us at 910-409-5533 for a free site analysis, so we can show you how much you can be saving with solar on your monthly energy bill!


Cape Fear Solar Systems, Wilmington │ Residential Solar Panels │Duke Energy Progress Rebate